Academic Stature Documents from 2014
Size and Scale
- Proportion of enrollment by degree objective (pg 1)
- Degrees awarded, trends in degree types, trends in disciplines, and trends in the ratios of degrees awarded to faculty (Cornell data) (pg 2 -4)
- Degrees awarded, colleges and their peers (sourced from IPEDS) (pg 5)
- Faculty, academic and staff headcounts over time (Cornell data)
- Headcount (pg 6)
- By fund type (‘hard’ vs ‘soft’ monies) (pg 7)
- Number of departments over time (pg 8)
- Size of departments compared to peers (sourced from Academic Analytics) (pg 9)
- Sizes of fields compared to peers (sourced from Academic Analytics) (pg 10)
Students and Post Docs
Assigning Graduate School students to colleges is hard: a comparison of methodologies
- Undergraduate admissions trends and SAT scores (Cornell data) (pg 11)
- Graduate School admissions trends and GRE scores (Cornell Grad School data) (pg 13)
- Undergraduate enrollment (pg 12)
- Graduate School enrollment (pg 14)
- Professional School enrollment (pg 14)
- PhD student funding (sourced from the Grad School) (pg 15)
- Undergraduate Instruction by instructor type, percent of total (enrollments and credits) and class size (pg 16-19)
- Percent of PhD cohort graduated in 7 years (pg 23)
- Number of Post Docs per department, 2010-2013 (pg 20)
- Student Outcomes, as self-reported on surveys (sourced from Grad School and IRP) (pg 21-22)
- Department scholarly productivity (sourced from AA) (pg 24)
- Field scholarly productivity (sourced from AA) (pg 25)
- Ratio of total base faculty salary to total base employee salary (pg 26)
- Percent of assistant professors attaining tenure (pg 27)
- Faculty diversity, Cornell and peers (sourced from AAUDE) (pg 28)
- College Composition [from Executive Diversity Dashboard] (pg 29)
- Student achievement [from Executive Diversity Dashboard] (pg 30-31)
- Workforce achievement [from Executive Diversity Dashboard] (pg 32-33)
- Additional resources include the Diversity Dashboards (public – most graphs at the University level)
2013-2014 Budget Model Metrics
- Data on Teaching – credit hours and enrollments March 2014
- Student headcounts and FTE (for Allocated Cost Distributions) April 2014